Friday, 19 May 2017

The Game of LOVE

Playing games are one of my favorite things to do as regards passing time or just being engaged...I love games that are challenging and at the same time less complex to play. which is why no matter how much effort i put in i just can't seem to understand the game of chess and while i would be very excited to jump at a ludo game or play cards, it would hard to catch me having same excitement for chess because as interesting as it is the whole complexity to it just turns me off.
I love to play Games that challenge me mentally but at the same I love to have fun while playing it.if a game is too easy I would run, if its too challenging I would also run. I love a balanced game but then I have come  to  realize that one of my best games is so complicated it takes The grace of God to help you win. what game am I talking about? its the game of love. In love there are no rules or regulations. what works for Mr A might not necessarily work for Mr B and while someone is getting hurt being in a long distance relationship, another person is having the time of their lives in one....while some got married after 6months of being together and are living happily ever after, another couple got married after 3yrs of dating and it crashed the next week of the marriage... with all this examples, it is hard to want to continue loving or believing in love but you have to remember that Love is A game that only the strong and brave heart who are willing to risk it all while hoping it turns out well can take a risk today, risk your heart and hope it turns great.
                                              Image result for love

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Is School Really The best way out?

Growing Up in an average Nigerian home, the drill was to grow up go to primary school, secondary school and then next to the university and study a "professional course" so he could grow up to be independent and learn to fend for himself and the family by felt like it worked and it was the go to way to live life. some of our parents even got jobs before they finished secondary school but sadly the set up is no longer the same in the 21st century....these days even your first degree is almost very useless in securing any job that you are either left with going for your masters or deciding to become an entrepreneur...being an entrepreneur is so popular these days that it if you aren't joining the bandwagon of becoming a COE you were looked at like you were just wasting your life but the truth is some of us just wan to help grow another person's dream for a while before we decide to join the exclusive class of COEs and for some, a steady pay check at the end of month is all they want to become happy and enjoy their forever after..
    However i have learnt that School isn't only the way one can become successful, Education is not necessarily about going to school, it is more about knowing things and understanding that seeking knowledge is whatever field you are interested and becoming the best at whatever you do..till i write again .....Be Happy
Image result for education quotes

Monday, 15 May 2017

The High and Lows of My Wedding Day

I got married 4th of June last year and as much at it was a beautiful day...there were a few things that didn't turn out the way i did and in anticipation to my one year anniversary i would be writing about the highs and lows....let us start with the lows...
  • The reception didn't really go as planned,the MC was hired by my parents so it meant that he listened to them more than he listened to me...i mean i wanted to throw my bouquet but he said no time(can you imagine), i also wanted for i and my husband to play games but sadly that didn't happen as well in fact our reception was more of dancing, taking pictures and more dancing...
  • The lady that decorated the venue was so annoying, even after paying her more than 75%  of the money, she still didn't let me enjoy my day in peace until i had to send her to my mum to give her the money (Kill Joy)
  • The make up Artist left in the morning so i had to just make do with the rubbish that was left on my face like that while struggling to get the cake and my bridesmaid to the venue..

The Highs are so much i don't know where to start so i would just write as much as i can
  • The music was so good i danced so much at the reception and even my friends had a really great time that they haven't stopped talking about it till today..My husband who doesn't dance sef, rocked so much that his parents were surprised i mean at a point he pulled off his suit just to dance. lol.
  • The cake was very beautiful and tasty and the woman who baked it didn't even charge much and everyone who had a taste enjoyed it as well...The amount of food at my wedding was so much that my course mates said they had double rations of food every day till the day they left and the funny thing is as much as the food was i didn't even taste anything sef (Bridal Blues abi na Butterflies sef) but at least no case of  I no chop sob stories.
The Cake
  •                                                                My Nikkah Dress

                                                          Mr M spraying his Queen
  • My dresses for both traditional, Nikkah and reception was very beautiful and i loved them all especially my reception gown, it was beautiful and very different that i felt very excited immediately put it on.
  • My friends made my day. They were there for me and they gave there all in every and any day. they danced, laughed, helped out with chores at home and catered to my yeye outbursts and bridal cold feet....they were the real MVP.....
My Course mates...

My Bridesmaid and I
On a general note, my wedding wasn't exactly the most happiest day of my life but i was happy and i am forever grateful to my parents and my other parents for sponsoring our wedding and making it a beautiful day within the limits and means they could and even though i was very unhappy about the event, a lot of things have happened to make me understand that my wedding was a very beautiful and i should appreciate it... till i write again Be Happy...

Thursday, 11 May 2017


My mind and head is slightly empty today and i just feel like i need a little time to just get back into the flow but i have been down lately thinking about money, riches and just finally get to the point where money is no longer a problem and mehn, the internet doesn't help that thought process at all..because everywhere you turn it is someone making it or becoming successful and you feel like you are left behind, well the best way is to just stop thinking and keeping pushing and being yourself....i wish i could take this advice myself but then it is a gradual process right....till i write you again PEACE!!!

A smile won't be SMILE

Being an Army Wife..

Photo Credit - Pinterest Mr M works for one of the military agencies and i always knew it won't be easy being his wife  because fro...